our projects &programms
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
This includes provision of water supply for the most vulnerable population affected by conflicts, rehabilitation and installation of hand pumps, solar systems, operation, and maintenance. Sanitation includes Community Led Total Sanitation CLTS, CAT, waste management and disposal, environment, and jerry can distribution. Hygiene includes hygiene education, public awareness raising, cleaning campaigns, and leaflet distribution at public institutions.

Our educational programs will concentrate on learning and development of school age children and out of school through provision of Education in Emergencies (EiE) establishment accessibility of Temporary Learning Spaces, Child Friendly Spaces, provision of quality learning materials, training of Parent Teacher Associations and teachers.

• Civilian Protection: The civilian protection will include IDPs host communities, returnees and refugees including people with disabilities and adolescent girls from sexual abuse and exploitation while they are going to collect fire-wood and water fetching and during receiving the humanitarian aids and through provision of psychosocial support GBV, PSEA and establishment of referral mechanisms and community protection network from any violence against these vulnerable conflict affected communities initiating of group counseling. • Child Protection: Services delivery to child protection it will be through activation or establishment of Child friend spaces, training of parents and duty bearers on violence against children and train teachers and PTAs on psycho-social support and banning of corporal punishment, reunify of separated and unaccompanied children and FTR. Capacity building of CFS animators and social workers on PSS and establish and or reactivate of child protection-based child network. Advocacy to government bodies and decision makers to adopt child protection in general. • Environment preservation: Promoting environmentally friendly practices in construction and uses of efficient stove to reduce wooden and char cool consumption and construction of school accessibility using soil stabilizer Bricks (SSB). Conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of preservation of environment, through adopting innovative mechanisms and discourage over consumption of resources and livelihood activities that would not harm the environment.

Peacebuilding projects will aim at strengthening the community capacity to enhance peaceful co-existence through establishment and strengthening Community level conflict resolution mechanisms/platform coaching by resistance committees, mediators indigenous and other stakeholders through communities’ dialogues sharing of common available resources and strengthening co-existence within various ethnic groups.

Food Security and Livelihood
DAO will aim at improving the agriculture through spreading of new nontraditional agricultural technology innovated by the farmers and adopted and implanted by the targeted growers. New advance agriculture production tools will be distributed to the farmers and train them on using these tools in an appropriate manner. Provision of seeds and train them on better ways of harvesting to reduce agriculture production.

Women empowerment
Women empowerment programs will be through promoting their awareness on gender equity, provision of income generation activities and to strengthening voices of women to be heard and to participate in planning of activities. DAO will also promote and encourage women’s participation in the decision-making process from grassroots level up to the upper levels.