About Us
About DAO Org
Depth Action Organization is founded by a group of enthusiastic, committed and experienced philanthropist with the assistance of highly qualified individuals of like mind with a shared interest in humanitarianism. The objective of the organization is to bring radical transformation into the life of the most vulnerable community members and to contribute to create a positive impact to humanity at large. In order to achieve these goals, the founders are fully committed to provide high-quality, broad and transparent public services in the sectors of shelter and protection, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, food security and livelihoods. We will build trust toward our partners and sustainability in our programs. DAO is registered as a humanitarian organization with the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) Khartoum, Sudan.
DAO Objectives
DAO Objectives
- To promote unity, peace, and reconciliation amongst the communities in Sudan.
- To build the capacity of youth to advocate for gender equity.
- To promote the spirit of self-reliance and to equip youth, women and vulnerable.
- groups with like skill and skills trainings and promoting livelihood amongst the communities.
- Increasing awareness of the communities on issues regarding sanitation and hygiene practices
- To promote governance, volunteering, and democracy
Our Principle and Values
Our Principle and Values
- Purely humanitarian and respecting all humanitarian policies.
- Committed to our mission and vision.
- Quality and efficiency .
- Zero tolerance for corruption, honesty, integrity, transparency, and accountability
- Committed to meet the donors ‘requirements.
- Respect for diversity.