About DAO Org
Depth Action Organization is founded by a group of enthusiastic, committed and experienced philanthropist with the assistance of highly qualified individuals of like mind with a shared interest in humanitarianism. The objective of the organization is to bring radical transformation into the life of the most vulnerable community members and to contribute to create a positive impact to humanity at large. In order to achieve these goals, the founders are fully committed to provide high-quality, broad and transparent public services in the sectors of shelter and protection, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, food security and livelihoods. We will build trust toward our partners and sustainability in our programs. DAO is registered as a humanitarian organization with the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) Khartoum, Sudan.
Our relation

Since the Establishment of DAO, it works in creating close relationships with the beneficiaries, community leaders, stakeholders, and the Government relevant ministries as well as national and international counterparts and UN donors, this relation provide DAO ability and confidence to implement activities after its founding.
Human resources

DAO has very qualified and competent staff those who have previous experiences with I/NGOs, in different sectors of humanitarian, we have significant capacity to deliver various projects to achieve quality results.
Target groups

DAO targeted vulnerable groups and communities who are previously affected. by conflicts in Darfur, Blue Nile, South and South Kordofan and recently the crises that erupted in Khartoum the Sudan Capital which emerged thousands of IDPs and the felt to Central Sudan states, which add additional burden to poor. States infrastructure, the newly IDPs lacking basic services such as WASH, Food and Health, the available organization attempted to provide services. Therefore, DAO is working in collaboration with other partners to use the available resources and to reach the most at risk and affected population and they are women, children, elderly, and people with disabilities, spite the fund. Shortage. DAO looking for add5tional fund from the donors to be able to reach. The needy affected IDPs, women, youth, children, and other affected pupation.
Good governance
DAO will ensure that youth are capacitated and well-equipped with accountability, transparency, zero tolerance for corruption, and rule of law to enable them to take leadership roles and dedication making within their own communities and to train the youth in the concepts of democracy and volunteering, rule of law and to support them to establish various services committees to practice democracy and volunteering.
Strategic Working Processes

Sustainability Through establishing committees and training of youth and communities particularly women from with the target groups and equipped them with knowledge and information to build their own capacity to run the activities by themselves, DAO also will train the communities committees as community based organization (CBO) on proposal writing, fund raising, monitoring and activities implementation, at a time ADO will jointly implement activities with beneficiaries to acquire the principles of communication with the decision makers and to be in touch with relevant ministries.
Our Mission Statement
DAO mission is to build the capacity of youth, empower women and develop vulnerable communities through filling the services gap and to collaborate with donors and other partners to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Zero tolerance for corruptions, transparency, and equality conceptions to ensure sustainability in development and social stability. We work in the area of the returnees, host communities and Nomadic, and services delivery including crosscutting issues � gender equality people with special needs jointly with beneficiaries.
Team Work

Fath Alrahaman Ahmed
&Programme Manager

Osman Adam Osman.
learning and development Coordinator
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El Fasher –Daraga Aula – Super Camp Street – HQ
Gedaref Deim alnour – west Alsoul bus station
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